Reference counting scheme

(This section is about the reference counting scheme used by libuv, it’s not related in any way to the reference counting model used by CPython)

The event loop runs (when is called) until there are no more active handles. What does it mean for a handle to be ‘active’? Depends on the handle type:

  • Timers: active when ticking
  • Sockets (TCP, UDP, Pipe, TTY): active when reading, writing or listening
  • Process: active until the child process dies
  • Idle, Prepare, Check, Poll: active once they are started
  • FSEvent: active since it’s run until it’s closed (it has no stop method)
  • Async: always active, keeps a reference to the loop at all times

All handles have the ref() and unref() methods available in order to modify the default behavior. These functions operate at the handle level (that is, the handle is referenced, not the loop) so if a handle is ref’d it will maintain the loop alive even if not active.

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